It is very common to hear from patients who lost their teeth that they wish there was a more permanent solution other than dentures or bridges. Nothing will ever be as good as your natural teeth. Dentures and bridges do the job, but to some people it appears very unnatural and it is very usual to see or hear about denture mishaps like dentures falling off or food getting stuck under their dentures. Fortunately, there is an option for these patients in Edison, NJ. Gentle Dental Care provides services for dental implants for their patients with missing teeth.
Why are implants better over dentures? Dentures and bridges are able to provide the function of your natural tooth, but often times it is not able to mimic the appearance and patients often have a number of issues with their dentures, especially when it is not properly fitted. Dental implants, on the other hand, look and feel like your own tooth. Aside from that, it’s a permanent dental appliance and since it is surgically embedded into the jawbone, it has a strong foundation and it actually functions like a natural tooth root. So once a replacement tooth or a dental bridge is anchored to it, you can be sure that you can enjoy the same functionality and look of a natural tooth. Patients can now smile and laugh and feel comfortable that their teeth will remain in position. Dental implants, for me, are the only choice when it comes to replacing missing teeth. It’s as if you did not lose your own teeth!
Call us at (732) 549-5660 and see if dental implants are for you and start living the carefree life that you have always wanted. Schedule a consultation today at Gentle Dental Care in Edison, NJ to know more about dental implants.